My Blog List

  • Ramadhan - Salam semua.... Sempena bulan ramadhan ini, selaku hamba Allah yang hina ini, ana ingin memohon maaf jika ada salah yang sengaja atau tidak disengajakan......
    12 years ago
  • Allah Knows Best - Allah knows what’s best for us So why should we complain We always want the sunshine But He knows there must be rain We always want the laughter And the mer...
    12 years ago

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Bismillah. ( Glory be to Allah and i begin with praise of Him'.)

The beauty of our women.
She's smart, modest, coy and witty, mashallah and she is so pretty. shes your nana, mother, sister and neice, without whom i know, i'd be missing a peice. she works, cooks and cleans, loves to drive, travel and ooh she also loves to reaad.

Most non-muslims would say that she was oppressed but thats probably because of the way that she is dressed, if only they knew she was too keen to impress! Allahu Akbar! she would so openly express...that life was nothing but a test.

She would explain with pure ettiquite, yet standing her ground, with words so peircing that even the non-believers would frown, my dear sister truly did outshine those women in the crowd, that wear clothes so revealing, and in shaytans eyes; definently more appealing.

Mashallah, she didnt succumb to temptation, she lowered her gaze and continued on her way as the time had come to go and pray, while the women in the office gossiped all day and complained about the men who talk to their blouses all day and the men who were interested but in the wrong way. Please ask yourselves women of today, how opressed was she when she went off to pray??

Remember that time you took that tumble and she came to your rescue with a smile so humble, she scooped you up and told you with no fear baby dont worry im here, im here.

Remember how she wrapped you up in her fragranced scarf, and when you were out still showed you her love, cuddled you up and in secret, lifted up her veil, and told you great tales and made you smile without fail. She is amazing isn't she? no one can compare, never opressed and never reluctant to share, a home full of happiness, laughter, joy and that contagious smile, a man would most definently travel for miles and miles, just for a glimpse of her natural beauty, a man who was also striving for his call of duty.

A man will travel to the other side of the world in search for his other half if Allah willed, and i assure you her relatives will be pleased, Allah knows best! she would agree... as he is all powerful, all knowing and highly skilled :) Allahu Akbar!

The beauty of our women is truly a treasure, safeguarding our chastity with fear and with pleasure, i wish we were all like this as this so called opression would end. The beauty of our women is a true gift that was sent.


Thank You, ALLAH

for making us Muslims
with the best of blessings
bestowed upon any human being
listening and obeying to the One and Only True Being.

Thank You, ALLAH

for sending Rasulullah
a shining star known as Habibullah
a true hero non-comparable
guiding and teaching with his very own humble examples

Thank You, ALLAH

for transcending the book
definitely with a "proper look"
one cannot help but to get hook
Al-Quran is the name: "get a copy, have a look, 5 minutes that's all it took!"

Thank You, ALLAH

for providing us a place called earth
destroying it will get on everybody nerves
please protect it as it truly deserved.
A home for the future we must preserve.

Thank You, ALLAH

for this short-life
a day will come when we shall all die
dear people, please do not inflict more conflicts
alas, the world resembles "a relic": a place in history the story of humans' contradict

Thank You, ALLAH

for a father and mother
a heavy responsibility they shoulder
creating a better future
for the next generation to prosper

Thank You, ALLAH

for the plenty foods and drinks
seldom do we think...
about our humble beginning, that is from Nothing!
Why do we still destroy and plunder just to attain that little "something"

Thank You, ALLAH

for the many Muslims, brothers and sisters
again please stop and ponder..
"Have we served Allah, a proper?"
Come The Day, what do we have to offer?

Thank You, ALLAH

for the many gentle reminders
we tend to forget and wander.
The very reason of our existence
not to commit treason but first to serve ALLAH and Rasulullah in that sequence!

Thank You, ALLAH

for we pray for JANNAH in return
and the glory of Islam we try to churn
for that matter, a better Muslim in every turn
devoted and steadfast in ibadah- as the deceitful life we try to spurn

Sunday, December 25, 2011

perjalanan hidup ini

setiap kali aku berfikir, mampukah aku menandingi kawan-kawanku yang lain..
aku selalu berasa rendah diri, tidak bersemangat. Namun, setelah aku mendapat nikmat dariNya, yg mana lagi harus aku dustai... Ya Allah ampunkanlah hambaMu yang lemah ini.
Aku amat bersyukur atas segalanya Ya Allah. Its like a miracle aku boleh lulus dalf C1. DAn apabila aku melihat note yg aku dapat, Subhanallah, Engkaulah yang maha Berkuasa atas segalanya Ya Allah. Aku mohon Ya Allah, jangan engkau sombongkan hati ini, pesongkan hati ini dan truskanlah hati ini supaya aku dapat menimba ilmu hanya keranaMu ya Allah.
Ya Allah, jauhilah aku dari segala maksiat, segala laranganmu yg Allah. Tetapkanlah hati ini dengan iman dan takwaMu ya Allah... Astaghfirullahalazim... Banyaknya dosa aku ya Allah.. :-(
dats da time to change ur self... tetapkan hati dan iman hanya kepada yang maha esa.. insyallah... hasbunallahuwani'malwakil

Monday, November 28, 2011

maafkanlah bila hati tak sempurna mencintaiMu

detik waktu terus berjalan
berhias gelap dan terang
suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
tergores bagai lukisan

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
hadir bagai teman sejati
di antara lelahnya jiwa
dalam resah dan air mata
kupersembahkan kepadaMu
yang terindah dalam hidup

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
kadang tak setia kepadaMu
namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah padaMu

maafkanlah bila hati
tak sempurna mencintaiMu
dalam dadaku harap hanya
diriMu yang bertahta

detik waktu terus berlalu
semua berakhir padaMu

hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakil

Keheningan pagi itu telah mentarbiyah diri kerdil itu

Dalam suasana sunyi sepi

Namun dalam sepi itu kedengaran jelas

Panggilan illahi bersahut sahutan

Di segenap ruang

Panggilan untuk bangun dari mati seketika

Untuk meneruskan pengambaraan di bumiNya ini

Dalam keheningan itu

Insan itu terus menyelusuri

Jalan yang berliku untuk menyampaikan

Hanya satu matlamat..

Dalam keheningan pagi itu

Insan-insan yang terpilih telah

Bersama-sama menunaikan perintahMu

Bersama-sama memuliakan kitabMu

Bersama-sama memuji dan mensyukuri nikmatMu

Walaupun perjalan insan ini hanya berseorangan

Dalam menyelusuri jalan yang berliku ini

Namun di hatinya sentiasa ada Allah untuk menjaganya

Walau laluan gelap

Walau keheningan pagi

Walau tanpa teman

dia tetap akan meneruskan perjuangan walaupun sendirian

Kerana baginya tiada rehat dalam perjuangan…..

bukan kerana insan itu tiada teman dalam perjuangan ini

namun baginya biarlah hatinya terjaga dari segala penyakit hati

yang sangat susah di bendung

andai sampai ketikanya generasi yang di amanahkan ini

akan menerusakn perjuangan insan kerdil itu

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bicara Cinta

Ku bicara cinta
dari lautan yng terpendam
mutiara yang indah
memancar cahaya
namun sedikit yang dapat
kerana tersilau dengan mutiara yang palsu

Cinta dalam dirimu perlu di bangunkan
dengan taubat, zikir dan tafakur
sehingga meresap seluruh daging,
tulang dab darahmu
dengan cinta namaNya yang agung

Cinta dalam dirimu perlu disedarkan
dari terus tidur tanpa batasan
agar bisikan cinta waktu
subuh dapat dirasai
sehingga dirimu fana dalam keasyikan

Please listen to me

Who am I to you and what are you to me?
Lets get something straight amidst this ecstasy

I don't remember buying any ring or saying "I do"
What rights do you have over me and I over you?

The very same rights that my other friends have
We're friends! And not each other's half

Nothing more and nothing less
But if you want more than that then be my guest

But no more of this can I take
The more I love Allah the more of this I hate

The lust of love and the love of lust
I must escape this prison, I must!

My hand is yours for the taking
All I want is Allah's blessing

If we're on the same page, me and you
Ask me the question and I will say "I do"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011


times goes really2 fast i guesse.... hu4.. xde masa sgt nk tulis blog nie walaupun banyak jer bnda nk diluahkan kat cni... apekan daya, simpan jer lah...
Tapi rasanya, skang masalah jd makin rumit... napelah susah sgt nk siapkan homework nih... hu4... kena brainwash nih.... :-)
Papepun, walau berada di perantaun, raya haji tetap meriah.... Dpt banyak daging n seronok jgaklah bila pikir blk...
Omsick tetap ade walau xdiluahkan.... Xsabar nk wait winter break... bile pk blk, tkt plak coz ade exam... so wish me luck then k... :-)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

18 september

today is sunday... so I xkuar mana2 pun.... duk terperap jer lam blik... tmbah ag, all the supermarkets and shops are closed.... so just finish all da works....
hari ni gak, tersangatlah sejuk...
lam blik, I rather wear my sweater and socks.. mlm nie, tahan sikit sejuknya... p still need to wear my cute sweater... hu4...
esk dah mula kelas blk... actually best jer kelasnya... cuma, tkt ckit coz tgk sume student from others countries dah terror ckp perancis... hu4...

tonight gonna sleep early... waiting for my class... then, hujung minggu ni, kami ke Paris... yeahhhhhhhhh..... sambutan raya dr embassy... like it... :-)
seeee yarrrrr

Thursday, September 15, 2011

12 degree

hari ni sejukkkkk.... jln pg kelas, kluar asap dr mulut.... he4...
sumer teruja... kik4...
dlm blik pun menggeletar... cm ne nih...

Monday, September 12, 2011

time kesejukan

disebabkan sejuk, kami pun lapar...

greve... greve... greve....

first day kelas dah buat hal... hu3... still ade greve kat cni... dgn kate lain, demonstration.... lagi malang, sume bas x akan bergerak hari nie.... n jarak dr cmpus ke cla adalah 3.9km paling dekat.... OMG, gonna walk for about one hours... damn....
so cm ner nie.... hope everything gonna b ok... insyallah...

Friday, September 9, 2011


skang, dah tahu kelas mana after dat replacement test....
so grateful, still with my beloved roomate... dans la meme classe...
papepun, need to focus on my study....
next week, i will start da class...
wish me luck n byeeeeeeeeee...

Thursday, September 8, 2011


kenapa lah kerja2 admin kat Perancis tersangatlah lembab.... geram btol...
n tersangat birokrasi... bnda ni lah yg mendatangkan masalah kepada pelajar.... hu3..
Hari ni malang ckit sbb penat nk tunggu attestation habitation yang x siap2... hu3...
kesabaran yg besar amat diperlukan.... :-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

settle down everything

bila smpai jer, kena uruskan sume bnda disini... like, buat kad bas, kad student, pendaftaran online, pendaftaran embassy, kad bank, insurance, n byk lg... hu3
so kena byk jln pg tmpt2 n tmbh lg ngan angin yg sejuk, mmg menyushkan... hu3

my arrival

after 13 hours kat atas kapal terbang, kitorg sampai kat airport charles de gaulle, Paris.... penat sangat... disana, kiotrg dijemput oleh senior.... then, ade bas jemput kiotrg... we have to take dat bus about 6 hours utk smpai kat besancon... what a long journey... so benti lah mkn n hidup udara segar jap...
walau ada matahari, still sejuk kat cni... hu3

my departure kat KLIA with all da family of me n my frens....
c'est le moment un peu triste... :-(

Friday, January 21, 2011


its about one month or more I tk menjengak my blog...
really2 busy... homework??? presentation??? exam??? all in one... hu4
maybe i'm just stop blogging until i finish my delf b2... hu4
dats exam haunted me all days.. i can't eat n sleep well because of dat..
all my mind just for dat..
so wish me luck my fwen... hope everything go well... amin...
p nk cte gak, ari ni i kuar ngan my family...
realllly epi... mkan n makan... n waiting for next week to go home...