My Blog List

  • Ramadhan - Salam semua.... Sempena bulan ramadhan ini, selaku hamba Allah yang hina ini, ana ingin memohon maaf jika ada salah yang sengaja atau tidak disengajakan......
    12 years ago
  • Allah Knows Best - Allah knows what’s best for us So why should we complain We always want the sunshine But He knows there must be rain We always want the laughter And the mer...
    12 years ago

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello everyone...

For the best wish during my birthday.. I want to wish that I can get a good result in my spm examination... hope 10a1 is mine and I can further my study in oversea.. like my sisters..

Everyone hope the best thing in their life... So I have to work harder and pray to God... InsyaAllah....

Monday, January 26, 2009

EpI NeW YeAr...

ElLo Da WoRlD.... HOpE DiS YeaR BrIng ThE BesT MeMORiEs FoR aLl Of Us.. wHaT bYgOnE Be bYGoNe KeY... LeFt aLL ThE BaD ThiNgS wE HaD DoNe AnD Be A GoOd MuSlImAh...
>>Is SomEoNe wHo ThinKs yOu're a gOOd eGG EvEn tHoUgH yOu'Re SliGhTlY crAcKeD<<
For AlL Da FweN FrOm FaRiS EsPeCiaLLy... ReAllY MiSS YoU All ThE MuCh... All Da SwEeT MeMoRiEs WiTh ALL Of YoU wILL I KEeP UnTil ThE EnD Of My LiFe.. BecAuSe ThE FwEn LikE Is ImPosSiBlE To FiNd......