My Blog List

  • Ramadhan - Salam semua.... Sempena bulan ramadhan ini, selaku hamba Allah yang hina ini, ana ingin memohon maaf jika ada salah yang sengaja atau tidak disengajakan......
    12 years ago
  • Allah Knows Best - Allah knows what’s best for us So why should we complain We always want the sunshine But He knows there must be rain We always want the laughter And the mer...
    12 years ago

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My BeLoVed

mother's full name;
Kamariah Binti Ibrahim

date of birth;
10 disember 1954
epi besday mama...

she call me at home;

upload her picture wif u;

greatest,fabulous thing bout ur mother that u can remember;
bcoz of her ability to t8 care 10 of us...
didik anak2 die until success sume2..
proud of her... n sporting until tk bercanggah ngan agama..

1 thing that i'll really m8 her upset;
erm...xdengar cakap dia laa...that's 4 sure~

hope n wishes 4 my mother;
Moga panjang umur gak.. hope she will see all her children success
n die dpt tumpang gak..
also hope she will see mi married n got her grandchild..

this tag goes to;


setiap dugaan itu ada himahnya....
ingatlah bahawa tiada ertinya hidup jika tidak dilambung gelora.
dun too sad bout da past..
build ur new life key... whatever happend. i will alwaiz support u.
one thing.. dun u say dat ur alone if i;m still alive..
tk dpt medik ireland?? so what..
awk.. ingat bahwa kita harus mengejar ilmu kerana Allah..
maybe Die tak bagi ambik coz there will be any better chance waiting 4 u..
dun u ever compare urself wif anyone..
nobody is perfect..
rezeki diorang dh sampai.. so we have to wait..
usaha n tawakkal... insyallah..
teruskan perjuangan key... tanda kita bersyukur atas kurniaanNya.;.

Actually, if dpt yg france?? nk pg ko dop nih??
skang on my way to uia..
slamat blaja to all my fwen..
usaha btol2 n jgn lupa Tuhan... insyallah...
be a good muslim n muslimah...
we have to kejar kejayaan dunia n akhirat....
hadis ada mengatakan bahawa..... bekerjalah kamu n tuntutlah ilmu.. seolah-olah kamu
akan hidup seribu tahun lagi...
dan beribadatlah kamu seolah-0lah kamu akan mati esok hari...
slamat beramal..

Saturday, May 9, 2009


ToDay Meme besday arwah AtIn..
JatUh ARI JumaT..
AlhamduLiLLaH.. MoGa ArI Nie PeNuH DeNgaN KeberKatAn..

DuN kNoW WhaT To tELl..
P sPe2 yg baCa..
mi dh nk pg continue study nie..
berjuang 2 fight my dream... kepada dat person...
mi tau awk dpt utp...
atcelly.. ur dream is to be a doktor...
dun worry..
wif da result 10a1 awk 2..
insyallah awk akan dpt yg medik ireland.... just pray key..
apepun.. be da good key..
apepun awk pasni..
make sure u do all da best key..
rezeki kita dah ditentukan oleh Dia... so as a umatnya... kita harus redha key..
bersyukur byk2 dengan apa yg tlah dianugerahkan key..
i will alwaiz support u..
n one year nie..
mi will struggle btol2..
so my blog nie... maybe dh tak tertulis dh...
thanks to all my fwen key..
gonna miz u all..
arap sume2 dpt apa yg diimpikan pasni key....