My Blog List

  • Ramadhan - Salam semua.... Sempena bulan ramadhan ini, selaku hamba Allah yang hina ini, ana ingin memohon maaf jika ada salah yang sengaja atau tidak disengajakan......
    12 years ago
  • Allah Knows Best - Allah knows what’s best for us So why should we complain We always want the sunshine But He knows there must be rain We always want the laughter And the mer...
    12 years ago

Monday, March 30, 2009


Just want to thanks to my parents coz byk bagi mi spirit pas i know bout my results..
now what i thinks sbenarnya... which one mi kena plih??
something that mi minat but not too good or tak minat but i'm good in it...
papa nak anta mi pg mesir for medik... i really like it but u know my bio is not too good n i got law..
mi tak minat but i think study law is more easier... huhuhuhuhuhu
buntu... n mama told mi suh banyak berdoa... So I think to publish this coz hope someone can give me opinion bout that...
Epi moment... dapat dah lesen for the first test... mama proud of that...
rahsianya dapat jpj yg pemalas... jln plg dekat bg... hekhekhek

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Result kuar 12 march... scared... It is worth that all my
slama nie.. It is my parents will happy with it??? Hhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...
Ya Allah, give me more streght to face this moment... If succed tercipta for
please let this succeed make my parents and teachers happy
with it and hope mi lebih berjaya and tak sombong..
But if kegagalan menerpa diriku, hope that my parents and teachers do not sad
for it... Just only me who face it... Let inly me who sad... Biar only me yang tanggung
sume 2 kerana thats all my fault... ya Allah aku redha atas segala ketentuanMu...

Engkaulah yang lebih mengetahui atas segalanya....
Hope the journey of my parents to Japan is the happy journey and
enjoyable... Do not effect that journey because of my result...
Please my Almighty.... Amin.... InsyaAllah.... Everything will be aswered...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

ScaRed For ResULt....

Really scared for waiting... Really confius... ble result nak kuar nie?? There are so many info I've got.. 12 or 16 MARCH????

But hope that 12 March.. coz mama, papa and abe will fly to Japan.. Then, tak der spe nak teman mi ambik result... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 14 march they will fly...
Please understand my feelings at that time... With who I want to share my sad or happy feelings?? dun know which one...
oh God only you the place that I can get helps... Only you know what I feel right now... Hope I will give the big present for my parents and teachers which is the greatest smile on their face... hope so... Tawakkal+redha....

If result kuar 12 pun, only me n sis can isi all the applications... huhuhuhuhu...
But I really grateful because papa already serve all the keperluan for the applications..
Sayang papa... I know that all of them love me although they never tell me...
huhuhuhuhuhuhu... How I can stop my tears from flowing down... Really sad to be apart from my parents especially for the time that really important for me...
papa n mama pg pun coz nak visit kak awin n abe je gak... It's ok coz kak awin dah byk buy present kat mi... really appreciate it... Hope I can be like my sis... Hope papa n mama do not kecewa ngan mi... hope so...

Love papa n mama.... muahhhhhhhhhhhh......