My Blog List

  • Ramadhan - Salam semua.... Sempena bulan ramadhan ini, selaku hamba Allah yang hina ini, ana ingin memohon maaf jika ada salah yang sengaja atau tidak disengajakan......
    12 years ago
  • Allah Knows Best - Allah knows what’s best for us So why should we complain We always want the sunshine But He knows there must be rain We always want the laughter And the mer...
    12 years ago

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Allah Knows Best

Allah knows what’s best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain

We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow

For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we’re patient
Is followed by rich again

So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah’s way
To make our spirit’s strong.


Lets get back to Islam, before the sun goes down,
We never know when we'll be under the mound.

"I'll pray when I get older," That's what they say,
But we might not have even one more day!

Lets get back to Islam, before its too late,
"Aw man, can't I just delay it for another date?"

Times running out, our lives are almost done,
"But brother, I'm too busy having fun."

Lets get back to Islam, Jahannam aint funny,
"Come on man, I'm to busy making money!"

The Quran sits on our shelves and there it picks up dust,
The longer we stay away from it, the more our hearts pick up rust.

Lets get back to Islam, before our lives our gone,
"Not right now, I'm too busy, can't you see I have the TV on!"

There's no time to waste, lets start it now,
come on, for Allah can't you even bow?

Lets get back to Islam, this aint just a song,
"But brother, a few minutes in prayer, that's too long!"

"I'll go on hajj when I'm around fifty-five,"
Come on man, by then will you even be alive?

Lets get back to Islam, lets not waist another day,
"Aw Masood, leave me alone, I just wanna play."

Lets turn back to Allah before we turn to dust,
There's no delaying, bro this is a must!

Lets get back to Islam, for reals, not just with our lips,
Oh Allah make us sincere, so we don't feel Jahannam's whips.

"I think I'll get pious when my hair turns gray."
Come on man, don't wait, we may die any day.

Lets get back to Islam, this aint just another rap,
Its a race to Jennah, and Islam's the only map.


Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah disebalik semuanya.... Teramat bersyukur atas apayang telah dianugerahkan...
Baru ku sedari bahawa tiada perkataan "kebetulan" dalam hidup ini kerana semuanya telah ditakdirkan dan tertulis di dalam luh mahfuz.. Belajar oversea? never ever thought of it... But Allah yang lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik utk hmbanya..
Kadang-kadang terasa banyak sangat anugerah yang telah kuterima namun tersangatlah sombong diri ini utk berbakti kepadaNya... Subhanallah...

Apabila melihat kawan2 yang tersangat khusyuk dan bahagia bersujud padaMu, aku merasa sangat malu dan merenung diri ini.. Astaghfirullahalazim.. Bila aku gembira, aku mula melupakanMu dan apabila kegembiraan itu hilang, aku mula mencari bayangMu... jauhilah aku dari sifat sebegini ya Allah...

Istiqamah dalam beribadah kepadaNya... Insyallah... Amin...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

i'm proud to be Kelantanese... :-)

Negeri Kelantan seindah namamu,
Tanah serendah sekebun bunga,
Negeri tadahan wahyu.. Cik Siti Wan Kembang,
Cukup indah namamu.. Seindah negerimu..

Duhai wajahmu yang indah,
Persis Jeddah.. Yang pernah ku lewati,
Taat menjunjung Al-Quran.. Teguh menggalas syariaat,
Yang tidak pernah goyah.. Tersentuh hati kudusku,

Lantaran aku disini.. Biar tidak pernah ku duga,
Bertemu dengan seorang ulamak.. Yang dicintai rakyatnya,
Lalu.. Kuntum rindu yang lama tersimpan,
Terubat jua akhirnya.. Biar segolongan cintaku..

Beruntung rakyatnya.. Menumpang teduh seorang ulamak,
Yang lembut tetapi tegas beribadah,
Yang pengasih namun tidak goyah pada percikan kealpaan dunia,
Pasti aku merindui lagi.. Entah kapan bisa di ubati,
Cuma setitis doa bisa ku titip buatmu membaja,
Membangun Islam bersama.. Semoga kita bertemu kembali..

Sunday, March 4, 2012

u are settled abroad

When i think back, bout experience, really, I've got many experiences right here. I've done almost everything that I can't do it in Malaysia. I travel around europe with my friends, ski together, eat europe food and living such a long time wihtout my family. Dats the most things that i'm really proud of. But really, when ur abroad, the most things u will miss is ur family weather ur not that close with them. For me, i miss my parents the most. Although we can use all the technologies like skype, voip anytime to talk with them, but thats not the same. However, i'm really happy right here.

my life in France

Living Abroad
Everybody says wow! you are settled abroad.
How can i explain, its real real hard!
Agreed that my life has changed,
Great is my study that keeps me engaged!
Other than that there is nothing to boost,
Everyday goes fighting loneliness ghost!

Child birth of a friend
Engagement of a sister
Marriage of a cousin
everything is just another phone call to me.
Years have gone but i do not know how,
Home to me is no where now.
I am alien here, I am alien there,
Do i belong? I do not know where!

Life to me is food without salt,
sometimes i cry as emotions can not halt!
Great are the comforts, everything here
but how i wish my people near!
Life is strange, for something sake
give up something,It is give and take!

Thinking of it my heart does soar,
oh my motherland, i miss it more!
Keeping my head cool is really hard
when everybody says Wow,u are settled abroad!

Winter Time

my first experience with the snow is really amazing... I can touch it n fell that wow, ciptaan Allah tersangatlah hebat... I'm really grateful was given an opportunity to study abroad...